Project Overview
Location: Native Coast Miwok Graveyard, home to the final resting place of Maxima Ynitia, Maria Ynitia, and many members of the Smith families.
Current State:
The graves are marked with white crosses or have no markings.
The site lacks personalized headstones that honor and remember those buried here.
The Coast Miwok people are the original inhabitants of the coastal regions of Northern California.
Maxima Ynitia was the last Hoipu (Headman) of the Coast Miwok and played a significant role in preserving their culture.
The Smith Family:
The Smith family has deep roots in the area, with several generations laid to rest in this graveyard.
White crosses without names or dates.
Unmarked graves, overgrown areas, and weathered crosses.
Proposed Improvements
Install personalized headstones for each grave, including pictures and brief biographies of the Coast Miwok individuals.
Need Volunteers to:
Locate Headstone Company and get a quote:
Find out who to contact at the graveyard
Partnering with Local descendents of the Coast Miwok, i.e., the Willards, the Smiths, etc.
See photos below
this will require the help of five people for this project. Please call 415-876-9298
Please be able to dedicate at least an hour a week to this project.